Monday, March 3, 2008

tired of winter and of being sick!

so, it's been awhile. a lot has happened in the past couple weeks....we've gotten more snow, found a new apt. and signed the lease (yahoo!), went out of town for two days, been sick for the past week, and yesterday we moved our church from the school back to it's old home - very exciting!

so, i'll start w/ the new apt. - we were so excited to find it so quickly. it is literally a block from the lake - yippee! it's still w/in walking distance of church for phil but not too close to our beloved cubbies....however, parking our car will be more difficult, so that is something fun to look forward to. :) and one of the best parts is that we wil be a lot closer to many of our friends! it's a "garden" apt., meaning half below and half above ground. but it has really high ceilings and full size windows, so it doesn't feel like you are in a cave. it's a bit bigger than our current place, but not huge by any means - which is fine, we just wanted to be able to open up our dining table again and have more than 4 people sit around it! we are planning to move the last sat. of march...gotta get packing!

last sun. after church we headed out on a little adventure that phil planned for us - he didn't tell me where we were going until we were almost there. my surprise destination was starved rock state park, where we spent two nights at their lodge. it was really good to get away and just relax and we did some hiking - phil got some neat shots of the wooded winter scenes and we saw an eagle and several deer. it was a nice time, except that near the end i started getting this annoying cough which developed into a cold/flu thing which has continued and now phil has it - fun times. (apparently it's really going around though - i talked to lots of people at church yesterday who have it or had it)

then yesterday was our last day having church in the elementary school that we have called home for the past 2 years. it was neat to see so many people stay after and help us move all our stuff over to the church building - it went really fast. we're so excited to be back in our old home and the way God brought us back is such a cool story of redemption. for those who don't know, we moved out b/c of issues w/the previous owner. but the building was sold around a year ago and the new owner had actually been attending our church. he has done a lot of renovation and restoration of the building and it looks amazing, and now we are back as the primary renters. he is calling it a "community center" and wants it to be used for other organizations and events, so we don't have exclusive use of the building any time we want it. but our offices are there and it will be worlds better than meeting at the school, so we are extremely grateful!

so i guess that's the "big stuff" from here. please pray we feel better soon - we have no energy for the packing which needs to get started! not to mention we will be working on getting unpacked and settled in at the church this week too! have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo, I am so excited we have our old building back! God is faithful in unexpected ways, eh?

How's the college group going? And how is attendance at church these days? You said the guy who owns the community center has been going to COW - has he been there for a long time, or is he a new attendee?

A girl in my small group here in Dallas asked me today if I could give her where to go in Chicago since she and her hubby will be there on a business trip this weekend. I was super jealous. I gave her all kinds of suggestions, but I hope she thinks it's as great as I do!

Christi said...

Get better soooooon -- blain had a cold/cough thing and it turned out to be bronchitis! Just don't go to Dr. Cook with it; he'll just tell you that you have "winter allergies" and send you on your merry way ;) Ah yes, the fun times last year.

I'm so jealous of your trek to Starved Rock!!! That is something we had always talked about doing but never did. Kudos to Phil for awesome get-away planning!

Hope you guys are doing well... we miss ya!


Miss ya!

Farm-Raised said...

Ahhh...a sad goodbye to Finkler is in store. :)

Congrats on the new place!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm sorry you guys are sick! I hope you're feeling better now. Moving is always fun, I like new places- I don't like the packing...

I'm pretty impressed with Phil's planning! it's always fun to be surprised with a getaway!!

Hope you guys are doing well. Love you and miss you! I've been thinking a lot about cooking with you lately. I miss it. We always had tons of fun. At least I did!

Aaron said...

How are you guys doing? How is the new place working out for you guys? I don't have your new address. Could you email it to me as well as any other contact info changes! thanks! I look forward to catching up with you soon!


Davene said...

Just checking in to see what's going on with you. Hope you're doing well! Time for a new post, isn't it? :)