Wednesday, April 15, 2009

she's the reason

...i laugh so much more each day! so i know this is very overdue, but after 2 1/2 mos. of having her in our family, i am finally introducing everyone in the blog-0-sphere to my dear arianna. i may or may not ever post again about books i am reading...we shall see!

but let's just say that the past couple months have been a great adventure...we are so blessed and ari is such a joy. we are officially spoiled for any future children b/c she is a great sleeper and is just perpetually happy....seriously, like 98% of the time. God has been so faithful in providing for the adoption finances and we have been so surrounded by love with support, prayers and gifts. so thank you all!!

1 comment:

janet l moran said...

It brings tears of joy to my eyes to see you two as parents. You are both such special people and I know you will be amazing parents. Thanks for posting pics of your precious gift.