Saturday, January 19, 2008

here we go!

so this is my first attempt at blogging.  over the past year or so i have had an increasing number of friends start blogs - i have over a dozen on my google reader now.  anyway, i decided that since i read a lot and i process and remember what i've read better if i discuss it, that books would be a good overall theme for my blog.  

i think for this first post i will just give an overview of some of my all time favorite books and authors.  i'll work my way up to what i'm currently reading.  who knows how long it will take me to get "caught up" but this wknd is bitterly cold here in chi-town  (wind chills from -10 to -20!) so if  i'm smart i'll stay inside as much as possible and just blog away....or read!  :)  

so, in the genre of historical fiction, one of favorite author teams is bodie & brock theone.  they have written several series involving israel (ancient and more recent), WWII, ireland, and more.  watch out though - each series usually has at least 6 books and you can get hooked!  i like them b/c you learn a lot of history but it's not boring - and the subject of israel is a personal passion of mine (in case you don't know, i spent an amazing semester of college there).  

for some light reading, i love jan karon.  the mitford series, to be precise.  it's a bit "fluffy" but i love her writing - endearing, funny, and yet still deep at times.  you'll laugh, you'll cry.......but once again, if you get hooked, it's a long series.  :)  basically the series follows the life of a goofy pastor (for lack of a better description) and his church in the small town where he lives.  the characters are great - i read this series a few years ago and just writing about it makes me want to go back and read it again soon!  it made me laugh out loud more than a few times - i love it when that happens.  

let's see....a recent read i have to mention is the kite runner by khaled husseini.  i mention it b/c they just made a movie of it - i don't think it's really in the theatres much anymore, but in case you saw it, you should still read the book.  it follows the life of 2 boyhood friends in afghanistan when the taliban take over.   so, be warned, there is some violence and your heart will be ripped out more than once.  but it is so good - i could not put it down.  

i guess to close i'll just mention a few other favorite authors who i'm sure i will talk about more later.  lauren winner, brian mclaren, brennan manning, c.s. lewis, donald miller, and bruce feiler, to name a few.  i'm sure i'll remember others that i should have added and they'll make it on here eventually.  

well, i guess it's time for me to head out.  unfortunately, i do have to go out in the nasty cold but thankfully it's to go visit someone and run a quick errand.  oh, on a similar note:  please keep the homeless in your prayers this wknd./winter.  although there are lots of shelters, some people will never go to them.  we actually went out last night w/ a group from church to pass out blankets and coffee (one of our awesome college students coordinated it!) - it was humbling and has renewed our passion to help those who are marginalized by our society.  take care!


Kimberly said...

thank you for the reminder to pray for the homeless

Anonymous said...

The homeless ministry I work at here in Florida, the people are all thankful that they find a way back down south so they can spend the winter in Florida...then when it's hot here they go up north for a 'cool' summer. :-)

Aaron said...

This is great! You are blogging now! I cannot wait for you to get started. It can become an addiction. Blogging is great though!

It wasn't until just recently that I was able to get back started again. Mostly because of the move here to California and what not. It has been crazy!

Our newsletter will be coming here in the next few days. Tell Phil I said what's up and to call me when he gets a chance. We love and appreciate you guys!

New # (510)932-2377

Grace and Peace,