Saturday, February 2, 2008

"snowed in"

ha! yeah right...not in this city! we got around 10 inches of snow on thursday and overnight into friday - i know a few people who didn't have to go to work, but mostly life just keeps going. so sad, that's one thing i miss about living in the boonies: staying hunkered down at home b/c there's too much snow to get out. i guess you could say i got a "4 hr. delay" b/c i didn't go to my usual nannying gig until noon, so that was kinda nice.

so, i know this is supposed to be a book blog, but i'm going w/ some friends this afternoon to see the movie "juno" and i'm very excited about it. i guess that's really all i can say about it for now...i'll have to give my critique next time i blog. :) i've seen so many reviews and clips of it on tv that i just hope i don't feel like i've already seen the entire movie....but from what i've heard i doubt i'll be disappointed.

now on to the books.....a little devotional book that my mom gave me over the summer that i've really enjoyed is "come away my beloved" by frances j. roberts. i don't usually get into the daily devotionals b/c they just always seem so fluffy, and too "easy", if you know what i mean. i guess the fact that life doesn't come at us in such specific, topical, easy to swallow little packages is part of what turns me off. anyway, to me this one is different. it's kind of written almost like little love letters directly from God to me. and although they are usually just a page or two long i feel like there is depth to them -truths to really cling to. there have been a lot of days when i read a selection and feel like it was written just for me, for what i am going thru. i sometimes use the verses and thoughts in them to launch into my prayer time. so, even if it's not your thing i highly recommend it - it also makes a great gift....just ask my mom, she's given away several of them!

the novel i just finished reading for my book group is "the memory keeper's daughter" by kim edwards. good book...quick read....and a different sort of plot. w/o giving too much away, the story revolves around a lie that one of the main characters tells his family and how it affects their life. it's an interesting look into how we think we know what's best, but when we take matters into our own hands things can turn out quite differently than we expected. another interesting aspect of the book is that one of the characters has down's syndrome, but was born in the 60' it sheds some light into how, in general, our society has changed it's view of those w/ disabilities.

so, i guess that's about all for now. hope you're enjoying your weekend!

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