Sunday, June 29, 2008

going bye-bye!

so, somehow it's been a couple wks. since i posted anything, but i just wanted to let everyone know that it will be quiet for another 10 days at least while we are in the promised land....pennsylvania. :) we are very excited to be heading out first thing tomorrow morning - i'm ready for a change -i feel like things have been really busy again lately. but it's all good stuff. like yesterday we went to IN to go to a wedding - it was a really beautiful, outdoor ceremony and the weather was perfect. they are a sweet couple who went to Moody and attended our church. i'll have to try to remember to post some pics later.

anyway, it will be refreshing to get out the city and see our families - we have lots of nieces and nephews who grow a lot while we're gone, so we need to check in once and awhile so that we can still recognize them! and we're also looking forward to meeting two new additions: phil's cousin and his wife had their 2nd little girl a month ago, and some very dear friends who we haven't seen in a year and a half had their 2nd (also a girl, but their first is a boy) back in jan....we can't wait to meet you, sophia and sadie!

so i'm sure we will be having lots of laughs, eating too much, having good conversations (i better practice my "where we are in the adoption process" speech!), and staying up late to star gaze b/c we'll actually be able to see them for a change!! :) oh yeah and i'm looking forward to sitting out on our parent's back porches and just relaxing and watching lightning bugs!

fyi, on the book front i just finished reading "pride and prejudice" by jane austen. it's a good read but you have to be able to get into the old english language. i thought it was great though and now i need to watch the movie again. :) at the library i just found a couple memoirs of people who were adopted and i'm looking foward to getting into one of them on our trip - i'll be sure to let you know how they are!

k, i'm gonna sign off for now, it's getting late-ish and we have to get up at 5:30!


Davene said...

Have a wonderful, refreshing time!!! Too bad you're not heading down our way...

Liz said...

Um, I think that you are back now...

Anonymous said...

You're slacking in your blogging abilities...